Art – Josh Foreman’s Sculpture

A Poet's Tears of Porcelain ~Super Sculpey Firm, Apoxie Sculpt, Wood, Glass

I made this for Rowan London, the vocalist/pianist for my favorite band, Virgin Black. This sculpture is based on a song of the same name. The title of the song is scribed on the bottom keys and the lyrics around the rest of the frame. The focal point is the titular poet who is symbolically represented as a chalice. I interpret the word ‘ porcelain ‘ to evoke the fragility and vulnerability of the emotions that a poet expresses. I portray the poet of the song, which is essentially a psalm of worship, as a conduit of these emotions that originate in the “fathomless depth” of God. (Represented by the opaque black eye at the top.) The emotions flow from God into the mind of the poet who interprets them through a human filter, and collects them in cupped hands, offering them to us.

Artifact ~Clay

A ceremonial pitcher.  Possibly used to pour OceanSpray Cran-Apple juice.

Boxer ~Super Sculpey

I made this for a staffer of Alaskan Congressman Don Young.  I think the Republican party would be cooler if they were all anthropomorphic elephants in boxing shorts.

Rings ~Silver, Gold, Fossilized Ivory

These are our wedding rings.  I do the sculpting then take them to an actual jeweler who knows what he’s doing to do the casting part.

Demon Hunter: Mounted ~Super Sculpey, Apoxie Sculpt, Cast in plaster

Made this as a promotional item for a local design company that happens to be rock stars a couple weeks out of the year.  They have a logo that is a silhouette of a demon with a bullet hole in its forehead.  I de-abstracted it for this sculpture.  I think they hung it in their tour bus.

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Brad D Chase
Brad D Chase
4 years ago

Can we buy the stl from you? Lol

Leslie Shockley
Leslie Shockley
2 years ago

I would love to talk to you about a project that I’m doing. I’m starting my own artistic business and I would like to purchase or talk to you about purchasing some of your sculptures. I would like fairies and trolls and you get the idea. Aliens would be good too. I would love for you to email me. This is going to be really cool. My friends can’t wait to see what I’m doing. You and the wife will love it. I promise. I don’t want to say publicly what I’m doing because no one anywhere in the world… Read more »