Art – Josh Foreman’s Sculpture

Guild Wars 2 Wurms ~Super Sculpey, cast in resin

I was a coordinator for some of the content in Guild Wars 2 and thought it would be fun to make the three boss wurms in the game.

Uut ~Super Sculpey

This lovable 40’ tall beast carries the Rubu village on her back.  This was designed for a game that sadly got cancelled.

Whirlpool ~Super Sculpey, Apoxie Sculpt

I was trying to create a scene that invites the viewer to interpret in either an optimistic or pessimistic way. Is the figure being inexorably sucked into oblivion, or are they struggling toward freedom?

Gus ~Super Sculpey, Apoxie Sculpt, Resin, Can

A Secret Santa gift I made for some guy on a forum I frequent. The can is a drink he likes, and the design is sort of based on some tattoos he has.

Bobble Head ~Sculpey Bake and Bend

This is a caricature of a girl who always falls asleep in class, thus earning the nickname “Bob” which was short for Bobble-Head.  As an added bonus, I made is so the eyes close when you tip the head back.

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Brad D Chase
Brad D Chase
4 years ago

Can we buy the stl from you? Lol

Leslie Shockley
Leslie Shockley
2 years ago

I would love to talk to you about a project that I’m doing. I’m starting my own artistic business and I would like to purchase or talk to you about purchasing some of your sculptures. I would like fairies and trolls and you get the idea. Aliens would be good too. I would love for you to email me. This is going to be really cool. My friends can’t wait to see what I’m doing. You and the wife will love it. I promise. I don’t want to say publicly what I’m doing because no one anywhere in the world… Read more »