Art – Josh Foreman’s Sculpture

Zelda Monsters ~SuperSculpey, Apoxie Sculpt, Mixed Media

These are part of a long term project.  The goal is to sculpt every piece of art from the 8-bit Nintendo classic and eventually get it together in a recreation of the game with super high resolution graphics.  The Legend of Zelda is to me, what King Kong is to Peter Jackson: an early formative entertainment experience that propelled and inspired me to do what I do.

Zelda Wedding Cake Topper ~SuperSculpey

Made for some friends of mine.  And before you ask, no, I won’t sell art based on intellectual property that I don’t own.  This was a gift.

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Brad D Chase
Brad D Chase
4 years ago

Can we buy the stl from you? Lol

Leslie Shockley
Leslie Shockley
2 years ago

I would love to talk to you about a project that I’m doing. I’m starting my own artistic business and I would like to purchase or talk to you about purchasing some of your sculptures. I would like fairies and trolls and you get the idea. Aliens would be good too. I would love for you to email me. This is going to be really cool. My friends can’t wait to see what I’m doing. You and the wife will love it. I promise. I don’t want to say publicly what I’m doing because no one anywhere in the world… Read more »