Art – Josh Foreman’s Graphic Art


The Gatekeeper

A concept for a sculpture I’d like to do for a cloth tutorial


Both traditional and digital.


Band Logos

Here’s some treatments I did for various bands.  Can you tell what genre I enjoy? 

Ink Drawings


Cliff Climbing Characters

Someday I’d love to make a game about whimsical racing cliff climbers.


Art – Josh Foreman’s Sculpture


Demon Hunter: War & Peace ~ Zbrush

I sculpted these pieces for the covers of Demon Hunter’s War and Peace albums. I’ve also included some fun color/material re-mixes here.

Adoration ~Super Sculpey

I made this for an angel collector.  

Scolla ~ Super Sculpey

The grumpy sidekick/guide for Bowmark on his adventures to find 10 treasures and reclaim his kingdom.  Scolla can inflate like a blowfish when he is angry.  And he can extrude webbing from his palms.  When he sleeps he folds his ears over his face and looks like a pile of cloth.

Art – Rose Foreman

Rose Foreman grew up on a hill by a cemetery, where she would often retreat to read.  Throughout her life she’s created art of many kinds, from mobile sculpture, to puppets, to large metal installation art.  This breadth of artistic expression and experience surely informs her primary medium which is writing.  Such as the many novels and short stories she’s written for Tales From Talifar.